I found this on the Internet, and I feel that the serious disinformation about “healtcare reform” in this letter needs to be addressed.There’s been a lot of media coverage about organized mobs intimidating lawmakers, disrupting town halls, and silencing real discussion about the need for real health insurance reform.
The truth is, it’s a sham. These “grassroots protests” are being organized and largely paid for by Washington special interests and insurance companies who are desperate to block reform. They’re trying to use lies and fear to break the President and his agenda for change.
The “grassroots protests” in which I’ve participated were organized by local people who did it on their own dime and were not funded by anyone.Health insurance reform is about our lives, our jobs, and our families — we can’t let distortions and intimidation get in the way. We need to expose these outrageous tactics, and we’re counting on you to help. Can you read these “5 facts about the anti-reform mobs,” then pass them along to your friends and family.
5 facts about the anti-reform mobs
First off, “mobs” would be carrying torches, rails, tar and feathers. So far, none of the actions of concerned citizens have reached that point.1. These disruptions are being funded and organized by out-of-district special-interest groups and insurance companies who fear that health insurance reform could help Americans, but hurt their bottom line. A group run by the same folks who made the “Swiftboat” ads against John Kerry is compiling a list of congressional events in August to disrupt. An insurance company coalition has stationed employees in 30 states to track where local lawmakers hold town-hall meetings.
Since when is asking the hard questions about how “healthcare reform” will be funded and why the President, his staff, and the Congress won’t be put under the same system “disrupt[ive]?”2. People are scared because they are being fed frightening lies. These crowds are being riled up by anti-reform lies being spread by industry front groups that invent smears to tarnish the President’s plan and scare voters. But as the President has repeatedly said, health insurance reform will create more health care choices for the American people, not reduce them. If you like your insurance or your doctor, you can keep them, and there is no “government takeover” in any part of any plan supported by the President or Congress.
Ri-i-i-ight. Did you notice the change from “healthcare reform” to “health insurance reform?” If you don’t like the result of your polling on the subject you reformulate the question.3. Their actions are getting more extreme. Texas protesters brought signs displaying a tombstone for Rep. Lloyd Doggett and using the “SS” symbol to compare President Obama’s policies to Nazism. Maryland Rep. Frank Kratovil was hanged in effigy outside his district office. Rep. Tim Bishop of New York had to be escorted to his car by police after an angry few disrupted his town hall meeting — and more examples like this come in every day. And they have gone beyond just trying to derail the President’s health insurance reform plans, they are trying to “break” the President himself and ruin his Presidency.
You can’t blame the failure of President Obama’s Presidency on us. He’s done it in concert with Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, and Harry Reid, not to mention Rahm Emmanuel.4. Their goal is to disrupt and shut down legitimate conversation. Protesters have routinely shouted down representatives trying to engage in constructive dialogue with voters, and done everything they can to intimidate and silence regular people who just want more information. One attack group has even published a manual instructing protesters to “stand up and shout” and try to “rattle” lawmakers to prevent them from talking peacefully with their constituents.
The President himself told people to talk to their families, friends, and neighbors, and to “get in their faces.” Supporters of the President do this sort of thing all the time to people who disagree with the President. “Sauce for the goose.”5. Republican leadership is irresponsibly cheering on the thuggish crowds. Republican House Minority Leader John Boehner issued a statement applauding and promoting a video of the disruptions and looking forward to “a long, hot August for Democrats in Congress.”
“[T]huggish crowds?” I haven’t seen any ACORN members at Tea Party protests or “healthcare reform” (or is it “health insurance reform?”) protests.It’s time to expose this charade, before it gets more dangerous. Please send these facts to everyone you know. You can also post them on your website, blog, or Facebook page.
Now, more than ever, we need to stand strong together and defend the truth.
Jen O’Malley Dillon
Executive Director
Democratic National Committee
I think this lady should probably be investigated because she is spreading lots of disinformation about this subject.
“If the truth hurts, it should.” - Dad
Well, Well....Look Who Caught Up
4 hours ago
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