The Republican National Committee gave away the country this evening. Don't get me wrong, they aren't the only ones to blame for the debacle that was election night, because it's hard to beat the Democrats and the "main stream" media. It's also hard to win in the face of wide-spread voter fraud aided and abetted by Democratic state office holders (think Ohio's Secretary of State) and Senator Obama's own campaign. Senator McCain, trying to run a "nice" campaign without offending anyone, failed to mount a cohesive attack on Senator Obama and his questionable associations and failed to mount effective counter-attacks when the Obama campaign or the media attacked him or his running mate. It didn't help when members of Senator McCain's own staff made snide comments to the media about his running mate.
The only bright spot in this whole pitiful political season was Governor Sarah Palin and her wonderful family. Neither she nor her family deserved the relentless attacks visited on her by Democrats, their unhinged supporters, and the news media (at the risk of being redundant).
So, the RNC, without a radical revamping, has seen it's last dime from me. I will only support conservative candidates from here on out. Every time my representatives in the state legislature or Congress vote for something I oppose, I will let them know the effect of their actions on my continued support. I will actively campaign against anyone who supports legislation that I consider detrimental to this country.
I once swore an oath to this country and it's Constitution. I won't support anyone who speaks or votes in a manner contrary to the oath that they swore. I will not obey any law that abrogates the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America.
I oppose bailouts, of corporations, states, or stupid people who borrowed more than they could pay back. (In the cases of older people who were deliberately misled by unscrupulous lenders, the onus is on the lender.)
I oppose tax increases to pay for increased government, including letting past tax cuts expire.
I oppose more government involvment in healthcare because it doesn't work well and increases costs. If you don't believe that, you probably think that Medicare and Medicaid have made healthcare better.
I support our current troop deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan. If the Army would have let me return to active duty post-retirement, I would have gladly and proudly gone myself, so those who call me a "chicken hawk" do so at their own peril.
I support the continued development and deployment of advanced weapons systems to all branches of the military.
I support cutting unnecessary government spending by slashing pork, programs, offices, departments, staff, and other minions.
I support restricting Congress to voting on single-issue bills without unrelated amendments attached to them and preventing conference committees from adding crap when working out the differences between the House and the Senate.
The resistance is here. The resistance is now.
Appropriate Charges Filed
19 hours ago